Streamlining HR Processes with the best HR Management System

HR Management System

An HR Management System / Best HRMS Software / HRIS HRMS Software / HR Information Systems Software

HR Management System Best HRMS Software HRIS HRMS Software Best HRMS Software HR Information Systems Software

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HRIS Software


HR Management Software Best HRMS Software HRIS HRMS Software HR Information Systems Software
Streamlining HR Processes with the best HR Management System 1


We offer a HRIS HRMS (Human Resource Management System). We also offer Payroll Software. S/w helps take the pain out of HR Manager. With a view to link all HR Jobs, we have made this software. This include recruitment, create positions to give away pensions. HRIS Solution allow strong Staff Management System.

The S/w offers company wide info collect and logical grouping. Thus also provide in depth trend analysis for ever growing companies. This aims at make use of any given opportunity for max HR Manage in the existing infra structure and manpower limits.

Older school of thought had equated HR with inventory track. It has also given way to the new one that equates HR with Asset Manage. Admin has taken 80% of HR Job is what research says. This leaves a mere 20% for plan analysis and improve. It is all set to better balance this ratio. Our s/w has equipped your HR dept to work smartly.


Key Features


HR Database – Functions – HR Management System

  • General Info
  • Personal Info also
  • Address / Contact details
  • Staff Qualify also
  • Family Members / Emergency contacts also
  • PF Nominee / LIC Nominee / Gratuity Nominee also
  • Work Exp
  • Passport / Visa details also
  • Insurance details
  • Organisation / Hierarchy / Report Structure
  • Achievements also
  • Vehicle / Driving Licence details
  • Train of Staff also
  • Staff Appraisals / Questions
  • Question Groups / Questions Designer also
  • Staff Documents / Photos / Attachments
  • Employee Targets / Commit also
  • Staff Skills
  • Complete Track of Staff Movement between also
  • Branches / Depts / Grades / Designations


Recruitment Management HR Management System

  • Manpower Demand Form and related Workflow for approve
  • Vacancy Create and related work flow for approve
  • Resume data manage is user friendly
  • Easy Integrate of Online Resume Submit by candidate
  • Online test for candidate
  • Review, Shortlist, Tag Candidate Profiles
  • Search in Resume Database for keywords, Vacancy Requirements Search inside records, CVs, notes, emails etc.
  • Schedule Interview Rounds with Auto alert to Candidates through Emails


  • Update Interview Results with Auto alert to Candidates through Emails
  • Generate Offer Letters to candidates with Auto Alert to Candidates through Emails
  • Appointment Letters make for candidates with Auto Alert to Candidates through Emails
  • Post / View / browse Candidate Info, Notes, Emails, History, CV at simple clicks
  • Bulk Email to candidates


Training Management – HR Management System

  • User defined Training Course / Course Categories available also
  • For a training year software allow make training schedule using course program creation
  • While make Courses, Qualify Skills, Qualify Courses, Disqualifying courses
  • Allows maintenance of reading links also
  • Software allows keep faculty / coordinator and external agency
  • It allows nominations also


  • Staff can nominate self Online for the training through self nominate
  • Manager can nominate his juniors for the training also
  • Training need analysis allow do nomination
  • Allow maintain direct cost and indirect cost per staff also
  • Software can calculate staff training cost based on the formula
  • Trainings Schedule for the calendar is pre-defined and available to the staff online
  • Staff and faculty / trainer can also post the rating of the applicant staff after the training
  • Software allows easily keep date wise staff attendance
  • It can help define training locations, venues, special needs & expectations from the training
  • Allows allot training program to the limited people based on the predefined priority scheme


Employee Appraisal Management – HR Management System HRIS HRMS Software

  • Software allow define company objectives and initiatives
  • Helps maintain Goals & KRAs derived from company initiatives
  • Allow maintain Goals based on JD
  • It can help set workflow between manager and employee for Goal sheet allocation
  • Upon Goal Sheet Approval by employee and manager, goal sheet is allotted to the employee
  • Staff can regularly keep posting goal progress which is automatically available to manager also
  • At the appraisal event, managers can view goal sheet achievement and rate the goal sheet
  • KRA / capability / QA forms can be made by the user and can be allotted to staff at the time of appraisal also
  • Notes can be put in by Managers, line managers
  • 360 degree appraisal can be achieved where Managers, Juniors, Peer group, Customers, Vendors can rate the employee based on various user defined parameters also
  • Regularization of appraisal score given for HR function
  • Result of Appraisal is available at the time for Promotions / increments also
  • Appraisal is fully automated, user defined and workflow based with email intimations
  • Not closed Appraisals and conflicts can be tracked also


Attendance & Leave Management – HR Management System HR Information Systems Software

  • Allow to Create Leave Policy as per company need
  • Yearly Credit of Leave/ Pro rata basis also
  • Monthly Increment of Leave on Pro-rata basis
  • Carry forward facility for balance leave also
  • Encash of Leave / Encash In excess of Leave
  • Leave Utilizes & Balances can be checked also
  • Auto Leave payout on exit of Staff (in F&F Settlement)


  • Swipe card / Attendance m/c if any can be linked to our s/w Attendance Arrears also
  • Monthly Attendance Register & Yearly Attendance Summary
  • Attendance / Leave Ledger Submit of online Leave Apply and supporting workflow also
  • Guideline set for Leave apply
  • Diff types of leave apply like SL, PL, CL, COMP Off, OT, OD, OUT STATION, TRAINING also
  • Attendance regularize for forgot punch card, Late mark & Early leave waiver
  • Staff can check Leave balance before apply also
  • Approve Workflow Apply, Accept & Reject with auto mail to User & relevant authority
  • Anytime leave ledger also


Exit Management – HR Management System HRIS HRMS Software

  • Staff can place the request of exit online also
  • Request can be approved or rejected by the immediate manager
  • Exit request is sent to each concerned dept heads for Approve also
  • Superiors can input exit requests for their juniors
  • Dept Head can input / track receivables from the employee also
  • Upon clearance from dept heads, Email intimation to respective authority for their new course of action also
  • Auto transfer of data to Payroll for F&F settlement calculate


Work Flow – HR Management System HRMS Software HR Information Systems Software

  • News also
  • Announcements
  • Company Documents also
  • FAQ
  • Kiosk also
  • Polls
  • Query also
  • Survey
  • Leave Apply also
  • Payment Request
  • TDS Declare & Tax Planner also


Employee Self Service Module – HR Management System Best HRMS Software HRIS HRMS Software HR Information Systems Software

  • Each staff is given with an online account
  • Staff can login and view their details also
  • Submit their IT Declare
  • Leave Apply Submit also
  • Submit Reimburse Bills
  • Improves admin agility & efficiency also
  • Enables greater employee satisfaction, fuels growth.
  • It is good cost & time savings for Payroll / HR dept also
  • ESS gives staff direct access to their month end / year end paper work. They can download, print and save these documents also


Tax Planner – Best HRMS Software / HRIS HRMS Software / HR Information Systems Software

  • Enter the Investment info and get the instant estimate for TDS also
  • Tax plan can be done with this tool with ease, by testing new ways of testing and get the best way too


User Rights – HR Management System Best HRMS Software HRIS HRMS Software

  • Allows create Users also
  • User Level Rights can be created and managed also
  • Role based Secure Model/ Allot rights to Payroll Officers for Managing diff groups of staff also


Software Architecture – HR Management System Best HRMS Software HR Information Systems Software

  • Product is web based also
  • Made using State of art tech – ASP.NET 3.5 + MS SQL
  • S/w install on clients machines are not required also
  • All allowed personnel can login to the system and do the required functions as per their rights also
  • Audit logs also


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