Integrated Marketing Communication

Integrated Marketing Communication

Integrated Marketing Communication


For More Details

Call Us: 9920219590,



Key Components – Integrated Marketing Communication Service

IMC Service


Integrated Marketing Communication



We offer IMC Service which allow our customers put up a ‘Customer Centric’ strategic Marketing Program.

IMC joins diff need of Business and Mktg together. It allow through its elements which include Price, product, Promotion, Place, Culture, Ads, Online Marketing, Sales & Customer Service, PR, Promotion, Trade Shows and CSR Projects to form a style that address the client need.


Integrated Marketing Communication

We help your business find a linked marketing plan that will reach out to the target buyers. This will help your business get more sales out of your mktg efforts



Buyers today are doing online search to find their need. It has therefore become imp for your business to make a strong online presence. It also ensure your business site ranks higher on search engines. We can help you get the same.



Now a days People are spending more time on Social Media Platforms. It has become need to make your business’s reputation on such platform. We will also help you run good mktg camps on social media platform to build trust and get referred.


Online Marketing – Integrated Marketing Communication

We help you build your business’s strong online presence. This incl make busi Website to ORM. It also incl put up your e comm business and run your business ads online in effective way.


Types – We provide range of Integrated Marketing Communication Service

  • Branding & also Re Brand Solutions
  • Corp Comm Services also
  • Web App Develop also
  • Website Design & also Develop
  • Mob App Develop also
  • E Comm Solu also
  • SEM also
  • SMM also
  • ORM also
  • PPT also
  • Graphic Designs
  • Corp Publications also
  • Content Write also
  • Blog Manage also


We provide range of Integrated Marketing Communication Service which include:

  • Branding & also Re Branding Solu
  • Corporate Commu Services also
  • Web App Develop also
  • Website Design & also Develop
  • Mob App also
  • E Comm Solu also
  • SEM also
  • SMM also
  • ORM also
  • PPT also
  • Graphic Designs
  • Corporate Publica also
  • Content Write also
  • Blog also


We offer IMC Service which allow our customers put up a ‘Customer Centric’ strategic Marketing Program.

IMC joins diff need of Business and Mktg together. It allow through its elements which include Price, product, Promotion, Place, Culture, Ads, Online Marketing, Sales & Customer Service, PR, Promotion, Trade Shows and CSR Projects to form a style that address the client need.


Integrated Marketing Communication

We help your business find a linked marketing plan that will reach out to the target buyers. This will help your business get more sales out of your mktg efforts



Buyers today are doing online search to find their need. It has therefore become imp for your business to make a strong online presence. It also ensure your business site ranks higher on search engines. We can help you get the same.



Now a days People are spending more time on Social Media Platforms. It has become need to make your business’s reputation on such platform. We will also help you run good mktg camps on social media platform to build trust and get referred.


Integrated Marketing Communication -Online Marketing

We help you build your business’s strong online presence. This incl make busi Website to ORM. It also incl put up your e comm business and run your business ads online in effective way.


We provide range of Integrated Marketing Communication Service which include:

  • Branding & also Re Brand Solutions
  • Corp Comm Services also
  • Web App Develop also
  • Website Design & also Develop
  • Mob App Develop also
  • E Comm Solu also
  • SEM also
  • SMM also
  • ORM also
  • PPT also
  • Graphic Designs
  • Corp Publications also
  • Content Write also
  • Blog Manage also


We provide range of Integrated Marketing Communication Service which include:

  • Branding & also Re Branding Solu
  • Corporate Commu Services also
  • Web App Develop also
  • Website Design & also Develop
  • Mob App also
  • E Comm Solu also
  • SEM also
  • SMM also
  • ORM also
  • PPT also
  • Graphic Designs
  • Corporate Publica also
  • Content Write also
  • Blog also


Kindly check Website Design Service


For More Details DSK Global Solutions

Call Us: 9920219590,




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