Learning Management System

Learning Management System

Learning Management System

LMS System

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Hosted Learning Management System


We offer Learning Management System solutions based on open source platform like Moodle. We develop a solution which is also well suited to your need.


LMS Theme Design

We help you envisage and also create a LMS platform exactly in a way that your business need. It is designed keeping in mind your LMS Goals and also in line with your corporate brand & identity.


Custom Design & Development

Our approach is to develop a customized solution meeting your need.  We know when it comes to Learning Management System, every need is different as well as unique. We use open source platform like Moodle as base platform to design & also develop a LMS which meets your need.


Integrated Approach

Open Source Tools like Moodle have large capability of integration with various third party tools like WordPress, CRM, Mailing Tools, E-Commerce Tools, Tools for delivery of Documents etc.  We look at your need and also help you decide the right tools which can serve your needs better.


Single Sign On Feature

We know that in multi user scenario managing Username & Passwords is difficult. Customers always look for features like Single Sign On. To achieve this, solution is designed using protocols like LDAP Config, openID, SAML, HMAC protocol, using social media profiles for login etc


Reporting To various Stakeholders

LMS also requires a solid Reporting Mechanism for all Stakeholder be it Students, Managers, Faculties, HOD’s. We design Dashboards for reporting also. We work on designing a system which delivers reports like Site wise, Course wise, User wise etc. One can also download reports based on user rights. We look at your unique reporting need and accordingly design a LMS delivering such reports.


Development of Training Chart

Many Organizations have Training Chart for their Employees as well as Students. Training Card help them keep track of various Training courses that the employee has undergone, also time spent on Training, Completion reports and also further Training need. We help you design such Training Charts as per your specific need.


Hosted Learning Management System Easy to Manage

We design a LMS Platform which is easy to administer as well as fun to work with.


Hosting of Hosted Learning Management System

We also offer a Strong, Scalable, High Performance,  Reliable and yet value for money LMS Hosting service.  It uses industry best technology, provisions for surplus and also comes with backup & restore services.


Support & Service – Hosted Learning Management System 

Our Team just don’t design but also develop a LMS Platform for you.  We also help you implement LMS on your infra at the same time you have an option of cloud hosted LMS Service. To get the best out of your LMS platform our team work with you.  We also assist you with excellent support & service ensuring smooth run of the LMS platform with 24/7 availability.


Kindly check DMS Solution


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